Oil shale is a sedimentary rock that contains kerogen, a fossil organic material. Kerogen can be heated to produce oil and gas (retorted). Oil shale is the most suitable solid fossil fuel for pyrolytic conversion. Its low degree of metamorphism promotes a high content of hydrogen in the kerogen – the organic component of the rock – which facilitates conversion to oil and gas.
1. Oil shale
The raw oil from oil shale consists of the hydrocarbons: paraffins, olefins, isoparaffins and naphthenes, isoolefins and cycloolefins, monocyclic aromatics, and poly-cyclic aromatics. The nonhydrocarbons are nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen (NSO) compounds.
2. Natural gas
Natural gas is a vital component of the world’s supply of energy. It is one of the cleanest, safest, and most useful of all energy sources.
We require energy constantly, to heat our homes, cook our food, and generate our electricity. Natural gas energy has elevated natural gas to a high level of importance in our society, and in our lives. Natural gas is formed primarily of methane; it can also include ethane, propane, butane and
pentane. The composition of natural gas can vary widely.
- Methane CH4
- Ethane C2H6
- Propane C3H8
- Butane C4H10
- Carbon Dioxide CO2
- Oxygen O2
- Nitrogen N2
- Hydrogen sulphide H2S
- Rare gases A, He, Ne, Xe trace
In its purest form, such as the natural gas that is delivered to your home, it is almost pure methane. Methane is a molecule made up of one carbon atom and four hydrogen
atoms, and is referred to as CH4.
Gas heating technology advantages
- Gas heating system operate at 90% efficiency and can cut energy costs
- Ultra-clean due to their virtual absence of pollutants which supports sustainability goals, facilitates clean air permitting during installation, and benefits public health throughout the lifecycle of the power plant
- Economical because high efficiency reduces fuel costs
- Reliable base load power provides continuous electricity and heat aroundthe-clock
- On-site distributed generation improves power reliability and energy independence
- Most important is the impact to economic growth and national security
- Avoiding investments and maintenance in costly, difficult to site transmission & distribution (T&D) infrastructure.
- No water needed.
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
The Mongolian government is seeking new energy solutions.
The Mongolian Energy sector loses profits every single year. Last year the loss was about 50 million dollars. This year’s estimate will approach 60 million or more dollars of loss. Now is the time for the Mongolian Government to give the highest priority to supporting this Alternative new energy technology for the sake of public health and to address air pollution.
In this case UGS LLC is developing Oil shale conversion to Clean Energy project. Therefore, focusing to discover Oil shale and CBM resources near to Ulaanbaatar city and developing advanced In situ processing technology.
We would like to cooperate with potential companies and financial institutions to make this crucial change that would benefit all people.